Waldorf Discovery (Rising Grades 1-4)
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Camp Details
Instructor: Joaquin Moreno (and Yulia Kriskovets sessions 3-6, Madhava Kinnicutt session 2)
Sessions: (select a session to view other camps offered)
Session 1: June 16-20*
Session 2: June 23-27
Session 3: June 30-July 3*
Session 4: July 7-11
Session 5: July 14-18
Session 6: July 21-25
Time: 9am - 3pm
Cost: $450 (*$360)
*Note: Sessions 1 & 3 are discounted as there is no camp on June 19 or July 4.
Camp Description
Get the full Waldorf summer experience in our Waldorf Discovery Camp. Students will engage in gardening, cooking, storytelling, and art – summer days filled with meaningful work and play. Students may join their peers in the Waldorf Adventure camp afternoon playing on the playground or participating in games and structured crafts.
Limit 20 campers.