Early Education
We believe that young children have innate capacities for wonder, awe, and imagination and that early childhood is a rich developmental stage that should not be rushed through.
Seedlings (PreK 2)
We offer a 3-day (M, Tu, W) or 5-day morning class (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) for children turning 2 by September 1. The class can accommodate 10 children and is taught by a lead teacher and an assistant. Children are NOT required to be toilet trained for this class.
Nursery (PreK 3)
We offer a 5-day class (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. or 3 p.m.) for children who are 3 years old by September 1 and toilet trained. This class can accommodate 16 children and is taught by a lead teacher and an assistant.
Mixed-Age Kindergarten
Songbirds, Sunflowers, and Waldorf in the Woods
We offer 5-day, mixed-age classes for children from 4 years up to 6 years of age (toilet trained), with half day (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) or full day (8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) options.
The Songbirds and Sunflowers morning classes offer a mix of indoor and outdoor activities, while the Waldorf in the Woods ("forest kindergarten" or "outdoor kindergarten") morning program takes place almost entirely outdoors - no matter the weather. Each class is taught by a lead teacher and an assistant. Both Songbirds and Sunflowers can accommodate 20 children per class, while Waldorf in the Woods can accommodate 15.
The full day program, available to children from all three-morning classes, includes lunch (brought from home or purchased through our Good Food Lunch program), a quiet rest time, and additional afternoon activities.
Waldorf In the Woods
Our forest kindergarten class takes advantage of the woods on our 6 acre campus, allowing the children to explore the natural world daily through the seasons and all types of weather. The children can be found hiking, investigating the forest and animals, whittling, helping to build new structures for their outdoor classroom area, or having their circle time and snack under the tree canopy.
Drawing on the same inspiration and beliefs about the importance of time in nature, all of our mixed-age kindergarten classes spend time in the woods each week.
Learn more about the Waldorf in the Woods program.
Children meet themselves in the realm of imagination through stories, songs, puppetry, and play. They meet the world through tasks like baking, sewing, hammering, sweeping, and gardening. These activities nourish a deep rooted sense of awe and wonder while offering children a way to rehearse for life as a productive adult.
An abundance of outdoor play (in all types of weather) and practical activity connects children to the rhythms of the year and strengthens their affinity with the natural world. The beautiful language of the puppet plays, songs, and stories told by heart begin the foundation for a love of language that is at the heart of true literacy.
In their earliest years, children learn by imitation and activity. Our program emphasizes creative play as a foundation for independent activity and creative thinking. Our approach is based on the insights of Rudolf Steiner, (Austrian philosopher, scientist, and educator) and the work of 100 years of Waldorf education around the world.

“If a tiny child has been able in [their] play to give up [their] whole loving being to the world around [them], [they] will be able in later life to devote [themselves] with confidence and power to the service of the world.”
Caroline von Heydebrand, Teacher, First Waldorf School