Classes for Parents and Young Children

Parent-Child classes at the Washington Waldorf School offer a gentle introduction to the group setting and a welcoming environment for parents/guardians and children (18-36 months old). Here, children are immersed in a calm atmosphere and quiet rhythm that supports play, healthy self-initiated movement, and imitation.

We explore themes related to child development, Waldorf education, and parenting the young child through readings and facilitated discussions. Experienced Waldorf early childhood educators, who care deeply about supporting each parent/guardian and child on their own individual path, lead our classes.

Parents and Children in Classroom

Parent-Child Classes Fall 2024

Parent-Child Classes are held on Saturdays.

Dates:  Oct 26 - Nov 16

Time: 9am - 10:30am

Ages: 18 months - 3 years

Teacher: Mx. Kiley

Cost: $200

10 families max

Please note: One adult may attend each class session per child. It is fine to alternate (for example, caregiver 1 comes to the first class, caregiver 2 to the second, and so on.)

Contact with questions.
