Fine Arts
Every student at every grade level receives a rich and varied fine art education. In the early grades, art lessons are taught by the class teacher to elaborate upon curricular themes. Watercolor paints, colored pencils, and colored crayons are employed to bring the curriculum to life.
The middle school art teacher works out of the academic curriculum addressing topics in charcoal, colored pencil, pastel, watercolor, and clay. Our middle school students learn perspective drawing, master artist portraiture, and more.
In high school, a comprehensive array of mandatory fine arts classes are offered quarterly, including intensive coursework in the following media: drawing, achromatic painting, overshot weaving, clay modeling, printmaking, watercolor painting, book arts, oil painting, and stone carving. Classes are taught by the department chair and professional adjuncts in 90-minute classes scheduled twice each week.
Fiber Arts
Students in our Early Childhood program and in the Lower School (grades 1-8), students are exposed to a rich and varied handwork curriculum. Our students receive in-depth instruction on knitting, crochet, embroidery, hand-sewing, and machine sewed projects. Projects range from flute cases, scarves, and mittens, to three dimensional sculpture.
Woodworking and Hard Crafts
The students meet the essence of common natural materials when they do woodworking, blacksmithing, copper and enamel-work. In these classes they develop craftsmanship and a sense for quality through the use of many different tools and a variety of projects. Because the materials are hard and resist easy transformation the students have time to make mistakes and fix them and to add artistry to their designs. Our crafts programs are ambitious and build a quiet confidence that allows our students to face new challenges with a resounding: “I haven’t done that before, but let me try!”