The Washington Waldorf School is pleased to offer a variety of adult education opportunities throughout the school year to support, engage, and inspire our families and the wider community. The range of events include film screenings, lectures on pertinent topics of interest by outside experts, workshops, and more. While many of these events are primarily directed at parents, they generally are of wider interest, and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Most events are free.

The best sources of information on upcoming adult education events are our weekly bulletin and online calendar.

Upcoming Events

Please check back for events!

Past Events Include

  • "Teaching in a World on Fire" talk by David Barham
  • Allysun Sokolowski, Waldorf 101 for Grades 1 to 8
  • Nancy Blanning, Sensing the World and Building the Brain-Partners for Life
  • Elizabeth Rule, "Indigenous Voices" discussion hosted by WWS's Committee for Diversity, Equity and Social Justice.
  • Parent Education Evening, with Lani Hill: Developmental Milestones: A Road Map for Parents
  • Hygienic Eurythmy Course with Susan Walsh, Therapeutic Eurythmist
  • Next Steps, First Grade and Beyond, with Jennifer Page
  • Left to Their Own Devices: Helping Our Children Navigate the Digital World; A Talk for Parents by Diana Graber, Founder of CyberCivics
  • The Spiritual and Religious Needs of Children; Co-sponsored by the WWS Diversity Committee & the Christian Community of Greater Washington-Baltimore
  • Introduction to Biodynamic Beekeeping: A Workshop with Gunther Hauk of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary
  • Three Tsunamis of the Soul: Teens Won’t Drown If They Reach Higher Ground with Douglas Gerwin