Advanced Cooking Camp (Rising Grades 5-12)
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Camp Details
Instructor: Chef Eron
Sessions: (select a session to view other camps offered)
Session 2: June 23-27
Session 5: July 14-18
Time: 9am - 3pm
Cost: $450
*Note: Sessions 1 & 3 are discounted as there is no camp on June 19 or July 4.
Camp Description
Join our very own Chef Eron for an exciting Advanced Cooking Camp, where budding chefs can elevate their skills! Designed for Rising 5th-8th graders who have completed the Beginner-Intermediate Cooking Camp or High School students with prior cooking experience, students will spend the week diving into advanced cooking techniques. Students will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of ingredients and kitchen equipment. By the end of the camp, students will be equipped with the confidence to prepare sophisticated meals, understand the principles of professional cooking, and present food like a true chef.
Limit 10 campers.