Washington Waldorf School Alum Reunion
June 1, 2024
4:00pm - 8:00pm

Join us as we celebrate the anniversary years for the High School classes of 1989 (35 years), 1994 (30 years), 1999 (25 years), 2004 (20 years), 2009 (15 years), 2014 (10 years), and 2019 (5 years)! Connect with classmates, current and former faculty, and WWS alums from across the decades.

This event is open to all those who identify as alums of Washington Waldorf School, whether you graduated 12th grade with the class or not, and whether you graduated in one of the above years.

alum bball title 2023

The afternoon/evening program will include:

4:00pm - Welcome

4:30pm - Remarks

4:45pm - Tour of the School

5:00pm - Artistic Craft and/or Other Activity

6:00pm - Reception

The event will conclude by about 8:00pm. Classes are welcome to self-organize to plan pre- or post-reunion gatherings. The School can help promote those events to attendees, if desired.

Register below by May 17, 2024. Guests of registered alums are welcome at the Reunion! Each guest will require a ticket.


Alums at the 2023 Bazaar

We hope you can join us as we bring our alum community together for this special event! Please email the Development Office with Questions.

Reunion Registration