Anti-Racism Resources

Racism 101 - Self-development for all

Race the power of illusion documentary

Race: The Power of an Illusion.  3-part award-winning documentary with online viewing companion

Racial Equity Tools Logo

This site is a great all-around resource- and the vocabulary list would be really helpful for people who feel lost and need to catch up to speed with this movement:

SURJ logo

Showing up for racial justice, another good source of material to read:

This web-based workbook was originally designed to support the Dismantling Racism Works 2-day basic workshop. The workbook is now offered as a resource to the community.


Ibrahim Kendi interview: How to Be An Antiracist, Interview at Aspen Institute:

Jane Elliot and Angela Davis: A Conversation on Race and Privilege:

Peggy McIntosh- How to Recognize Your White Privilege and Use it to Fight Inequity