Children’s Garden Camp (Ages 3-6)
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Camp Details
Instructor: Kendra Taylor and Annie Kramer (and Wendy Jackson sessions 2-6 and Shota Sakai Sessions 1-2)
Sessions: (select a session to view other camps offered)
Session 1: June 16-20*
Session 2: June 23-27
Session 3: June 30-July 3*
Session 4: July 7-11
Session 5: July 14-18
Session 6: July 21-25
Time: 9am - 3pm
Cost: $450 (*$360)
*Note: Sessions 1 & 3 are discounted as there is no camp on June 19 or July 4.
Camp Description
Join us to experience summer through playful, creative, and purposeful activities!
The Children’s Garden summer program offers a rich play experience for young children. The teachers will guide campers through an enriching and rhythmic day including daily movement circle, singing, nature crafts, water play, cooking, and storytelling. Our play-based curriculum offers the love of Waldorf education, providing a nurturing daily rhythm and exploring the beauty of the natural world that surrounds our campus.
*Campers must be potty trained and should have experience in a preschool setting prior to camp.
Limit 30 campers.